Sunday, November 30, 2008

List 1: For Those with Cancer and Their Loved Ones

1. Reach out to your friends.

2. It’s OK to cry, but do so <20 minutes/day.

3. Ask for what you need. Be your own advocate.

4. Cancer is the best excuse you’ll ever have—use it! “Play the cancer card.”

5. Get your priorities straight.

6. Keep your sense of humor.

7. Find silver linings. Don’t look at this as losing your hair, but rather as an opportunity to get new hats!

8. Get doctors you trust and listen to their advice.

9. Be sensitive to your family. Tell them that it’s OK to talk about it. It can be harder on them than on you.

10. Get in shape, physically and mentally. Save your energy for the fight. Don’t sweat the small stuff or anticipate too much in advance. Take it “bird by bird.”

11. Use your experience to help others.

12. Bring your own anesthesia, like ethyl chloride spray and Emla cream. Ask your doctor to write you a prescription. If you need lots of IV chemo, strongly consider getting a port (catheter) before treatment—it will spare you multiple needle sticks.

13. Go iPod!! Have your partner, friends, family, and/or kids put songs on it. Listen during chemo. Read books. Curl up with family & friends, and watch DVDs (try Monk—it’s great and each episode lasts an hour).

14. Discover your inner Zen. You will have to wait a lot. Pretend each doctor’s visit is a trip to the airport.

15. Savor celebrations. It’s not all about the cancer!

16. Ask people to pray for you. Have all denominations covered. Befriend a Buddhist.

17. Write about it.

18. Hope.

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